Thursday, December 5, 2019

Planning and Implementing an Activity

Question: Discuss about thePlanning and Implementing an Activity. Answer: Introduction The purpose of this paper is to provide a platform for demonstrating the ability to undertake conscious and deliberate planning accompanied with astute implementation so as to ensure the delivery of a safe and beneficial activity with a client at the workplace. This activity is thoroughly planned for and implemented accordingly in collaboration with a client, family and other members of staff. This paper takes a case of Bettina, a 22 years old college girl, who has been suffering from depression that emanated from the strained relationships at home between her parents. Discussion Effective Planning of the Activity Effective planning of counseling a patient with depression begins with the appreciation of the existence of its aspects such as physical, social and emotional. In order to undertake the treatment plan, it involves walking around with Bettina in the park so as to listen to her grievances and advising her on the way forward. This includes adjusting her lifestyle as well as doing other things to help her. The process involves organizing therapy talk in the park with Bettina so as to provide the much-needed diagnosis and family therapy to boost social relations in the family (Burns, 2013). Resource Requirement for Implementation There are a variety of tools which are used during the therapy sessions including strength cards, a box full of animals, a collection of different types of hearts, a collection of funny cards, websites, worksheets, projective postcards, fun coloring activity and vision board. These tools will enable Bettina to develop the requisite skills and achieve the expected milestones in the treatment plan. For example, the strength cards will help her to feel relaxed at all times, while the box full of animals aid in bringing out the analogy of family members and friends. The collection of hearts will help her talk about the treasured members of the family as well as close friends, and the coloring activity will enable her to release excess urges (Ogbodo, 2011). Application of Team Working The family members of Bettina were involved in the family therapy sessions since the matter at hand involves issues of the family and relationship that are emotional. It is important to note that, the continued and persistent disagreements between her parents are the causative agents of her present situation. This means that by involving the family member, her support system greatly improves over time. However, this should be done after talking to her privately in the park. On the other hand, the members of the counseling team would engage in assisting with making observations during the family therapy that will take place at the clinic (Palmer, 2015). Use of Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication There are instances whereby verbal communication would prevail so as to enhance the exchange of information between Bettina and the counselor during the walk in the park. The use of verbal communication would enable fostering of an effective and efficient collaboration during the family therapy. This is because the counselors engage in conversations with the Bettina revolving around helpful and meaningful discussion. The use of non-verbal cues would include gestures that are intended to show progress during the group therapy (Bentley, Walsh, Farmer, 2005). Implementation The most important aspect is taking Bettina for a walk in the park so as to discuss the issue. Bettina would be subjected to mindfulness-based cognitive therapy with the help of the lead counselor. During the session (walk in the park) Bettina would be helped so as to change her view of the situation through in-depth conversation. This would make her use curiosity to appreciate the current state as well as undertake the sessions without fear and judgment. The team of therapists would help Bettina to unravel the event behind the illness during the group therapy. The treatment options would be adopted depending on the outcome of the diagnosis. In the end, Bettina would feel relieved from depression that was affecting her performance and social interactions in school. The entire process would be focused towards enlightening her of the importance to emancipate herself from the situation. On the other hand, the family members would be involved in the group therapy so as to provide a home environment during the treatment plan (Byrne, 2009). Impact of the Activity The individual therapy is essential in helping Bettina to develop points of views that she had never developed before the sessions. In addition, she will gain new life skills that can forestall the impact of depression that comes out of the family situation. This means that Bettina will be able to develop her self-concept as well as rejuvenate her powers so as to accept the situation as it is and move on with her studies as opposed to being stuck to the chronic phenomenon. Therefore, she will be able to control the suffering that takes the form of emotions and physical hurt. Bettina will be able to gain meaningful experiences and lessons from the family turmoil as opposed to sinking into solitude and depression. Furthermore, she will be able to socialize with her college mates in positive ways as well as provide quality time for personal development and dreams (Cohen, 2003). On the other hand, the family therapy is very effective in ensuring that Bettina improves on her social skills with her family members and significant others. The family provides the much-needed support to Bettina so as to make her feel relieved from the depression. The family is a platform on which a board used for sounding is launched whereby the family members will air their personal technique of dealing with the stalemate. The family therapy is essential in propelling Bettina forward towards full recovery by seeing how the other members are adapting to the situation. There are numerous social skills which Bettina gains through the family therapy so as to overcome isolation. In the end, Bettina will have learned a lot about herself concerning developing strategies for dealing with the issue (Cohen, 2003). Reflection on Learning In this module, I have learnt about the mechanisms to be implemented in helping a client to overcome a life problem. I have also learnt how to design a treatment plan for a client as well as implement it so as to realize the desired outcomes. In this module, I have learnt how to use various resources during the counseling sessions as well as incorporate verbal and non-verbal communication. Conclusion Bettina was suffering from depression due to the marital differences between her parents which had negatively impacted on her performance at college as well as hindered her social relations. The implementing and planning activity involved effective planning, designing resources, coordinating teamwork, using all forms of communication, carrying out the plan, and assessing its impact. References Bentley,K.J., Walsh,J., Farmer,R.L. (2005). Social Work Roles and Activities Regarding Psychiatric Medication: Results of a National Survey. Social Work, 50(4), 295-303. doi:10.1093/sw/50.4.295 Buccino,D.L. (2006). Social Work's Role in Psychiatric Medication. 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